Monday, March 30, 2009

The Jews and a Legacy

For my 5th and final Monday's w/ Michael covering Rich Mullins, I would like to share a story that Rich shared at one of his concerts. A guy (I don't remember his name) was asked "Why do you believe in God?" He answered "Because of the Jews." "What do you mean 'Because of the Jews'?" "Well," he replied, "I've never seen a Hittite walking around New York City."

For thousands of years, people have been trying to kill the Jews. We can read of all the different tribes and nations that attempted it in Biblical times (Philistines, Egyptians, etc). More recently, Hitler and the Nazis tried it. Today, Muslims are attempting it. The Jews have been targeted for millenia, yet they survive. Why? Because they are God's chosen people. This gives me one more reason to put my faith in the awesome God we serve.

Totally changing the subject, I would like to close with another quote by Rich Mullins.

"If my life is motivated by an ambition to leave a legacy, what I would probably leave is a legacy of ambition. But, if my life is motivated by the power of God's spirit in me and the awareness of the indwelling Christ, if I allow His presence to guide my motives, that's the only time I think we really leave a great legacy."

Make it a great Monday!


  1. Thanks for the Rich Mullins tribute, Michael. I had no idea of the life he lived. What an inspiration!

    And I loved the thoughts on Jews...I'd never thought of it that way!

    Thanks again, Michael!

  2. Michael,
    I really want to leave a great legacy. I think that I have much work to do. Hopefully, we would all desire the precious Holy Spirit to guide our motives and empower us with His grace to live a life that would glorify Him and leave a legacy that would honor our Lord Jesus Christ.
    I have enjoyed getting to know Rich...thanks Michael.
    Love, mom

  3. Boy, I was really impressed with Joel's writing...until I read "Love, mom".


  4. MICHAEL , i enjoy monday's with MICHAEL , I look forward to to next monday . GOD BLESS : DAD B.
