Sunday, February 12, 2012

Flat the Nice Snake

Every night (and most naps), I tell Deacon and Finn a story about Flat the nice snake. Flat is a character Deacon created. My mom doesn't like snakes and so Deacon made up a nice snake. Every story begins the same way (and Deacon & Finn could recite this for you).

"Once upon a time, there was a snake named Flat. Flat was a nice snake. He didn't hiss at little boys. He didn't scare grandmas. And he didn't eat mice. In fact, his best friend was a mouse named Timmy."

Flat & Timmy do everything together. They go on picnics, build snowmen, play basketball, etc... Some stories have to do with what is going on in our family (for example, if we go to the library during the day, Flat & Timmy might go that night or if Deacon is struggling with discontentment, Timmy will learn a lesson in being content). Most stories have a spiritual twist of some kind (Flat will help someone who is less fortunate because that is what Jesus would want him to do). And some stories are just plain silly (usually because I'm tired...earlier this week, Deacon asked for the story about when Flat & Timmy met all of their animal friends, so I told them about the time they went into the woods and met the chipmunks (Alvin, Simon & Theodore) and the turtles (Donatello, Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael)).

One thing I am learning from this is that Deacon has a much better memory than I do. A couple months ago, he created a mean snake named Fluffy. (You would be mean too if all of the other children in school made fun of your name all the time. A snake named Fluffy???) A few nights ago, he wanted me to tell a story about Flat and the other snakes and at one point I mentioned Fuzzy and said "You remember Fuzzy, the mean snake." He replied "No, I don't remember Fuzzy, I remember Fluffy the mean snake."

Well, last night, things took an interesting turn. "Daddy, tell the story of when Fluffy ate Timmy." "What, Fluffy doesn't eat Timmy!" "Yes, he does." "But if Fluffy eats Timmy, who will Flat play with?" "Flat will find another mouse to play with." "What is the other mouse's name?" "Um...his name is Noodle Eye!" So last night, I told a story about Fluffy gobbling up Timmy (don't worry, it was quick and painless and not at all graphic). After the story, Deacon said "Where's Timmy?" "Timmy is resting." "Why?" "Because Timmy is tired." "Is Timmy in Fluffy's belly?" "Yes, he's in Fluffy's belly." "How will he get out?" So tonight's story will feature Timmy escaping from the belly of Fluffy the mean snake with the help of their new friend Noodle Eye!

Make it a great week!


  1. Great job daddy! These little boys will remember their nightly stories with you! You always did have a good imagination....ever think of writing a line of Children's books?
    Have a great week! Love, mom

  2. LOL!!! Oh michael - this is so hilarious!
