Thursday, July 22, 2010

Vehicle update

For over 2 years, we survived as a one car family (unless you count the moped). Last month, we finally bought another vehicle!

It was great having 2 vehicles. I would take the Volvo to work and Jane would have the van at home. If she had plans during the day, we didn't have to wake the boys up in the morning so they could take me to work, I could drive myself. Now, the observant reader will notice that I am talking in the past tense. "It was great...."
Why am I referring to having 2 vehicles as a thing of the past you might ask. Well, yesterday on my lunch break, I was heading home attempting to go straight through a green light at an intersection, while at the same time a lady coming towards me attempted to turn left. She didn't see me at fact, I think she was still accelerating when she hit me. I walked away unharmed. Daisy on the hand, wasn't so lucky....

Well, we had 2 vehicles for just over a month. It was fun while it lasted!


  1. oh no, what a bummer! i'm glad you weren't hurt!

  2. I was expecting a Daisy post :)

    That looks BAD! So thankful you weren't hurt, Michael!!!

  3. just groaned when I saw the damage. thanking the Lord that you were not injured.
