Monday, April 26, 2010

Of Mice and Men

Monday's w/ Michael

Jane and I knew we had some mice living in the house with us. We could hear them in our walls. We would find their little droppings all over.
We would also find holes they chewed through various bags.
We knew they especially enjoyed hanging out in our pantry. So, last Friday, I strategically place 4 glue traps in our pantry. Before we went to bed that night, we had caught our first mouse. Saturday morning, I discovered that one of my glue traps was missing. That was it. I had had enough. I decided to clean out the entire pantry, find the missing glue trap, and get rid of our mice problem once and for all. What I discovered surprised and horrified me. (The following paragraphs contain graphic details and pictures. Those of you with a weak stomach will want to stop reading now).
I removed everything from the pantry, including all of Jane's cookbooks. Here are MOST of them on our dining room floor.
Then I decided to move the bookcase. Here is what I discovered behind it!
Once I cleaned up all of the shredded paper, I was still left with quite a mess. The stench of stale mouse urine was overpowering. (See I told you not to read this if you had a weak stomach!) After scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing, we finally got the pantry in relatively good shape. But we didn't put everything back in the pantry just yet. The only thing in the pantry were 8 mouse traps. I still had the 2 glue traps left over and I added 6 kill traps. I used 3 different versions of kill traps. Here are my 4 variations of traps.
The war was on!
Saturday night, before we went to bed, we caught mouse #2. Sunday morning, we discovered 3, 4, & 5. Pictured below are 3 & 4. How stupid can you be?
To make a long story shorter, between Friday night and Wednesday morning, we caught 12 mice! The greatest discovery was this find on Wednesday morning.
Here are #'s 10, 11, & 12. Yep, that's right: 3 mice on 1 trap! And I thought #'s 3 & 4 were stupid!
We caught another one Saturday, so that makes 13 mice in 9 days. I'm still not sure who is winning this war though. I may have killed 13 mice, but I'm left with images and smells that will haunt me for years.
Make it a great Monday!


  1. MICHAEL!!

    I am eating breakfast right now as I am reading this!!! Uhg... I was totally fine until I saw the actual pictures of the dead mice!

    I'm not going to vomit, I'm not going to vomit, I'm not going to vomit...


    Entertaining post nonetheless. So glad you are winning the war. Definitely a worthy cause ;)

  2. Congrats Michael and Jane!! Keep up the good work. Thanks for the pictures???? Good luck. julie :)

  3. Sweet Michael! To bad your mice war didn't happen over Friday the 13th... ;) Way to win.


  4. This makes me feel good. I guess I should be thankful that we only caught 6 in two days (and 2 more a week later:)My mom and dad had the same problem about a month ago...must be the neighbor hood!! Good luck getting everything put back together!!!!

  5. Okay...are you sure you want to live on a farm? You might just want to move in with us for a few weeks and call Pest Control to get the whole house treated for the mice invasion. You are much much braver than I would ever be! Keep the, mom

  6. Well I am glad that you are fighting them off but I do have bad news for you...there may be more. I did some research to find that "A family of 6 mice can multiply into a family of 60 mice in 3 months" Thus, it could be possible that you have up to 120 more mice waiting to pounce. And Michael, if you dont get that 120 in the next 3 months...well you could be looking at fighting off over 1000 mice...
    yet there is also good news...catch the mice alive. Sell them very cheaply to Jim and Jeane and other mouse gamers for street fair...forget the goats and chicken farm...mice business is where it is at.

  7. I am thankful that you are getting a handle on your mice problem, and the pictures were very gross, but HOLY COW that is a lot of cookbooks, I own 8 cookbooks and a few Simple and Delicious wonder I always make the same thing! I need some new recipes Jane!!
    Janelle F
